A time jump towards a new renaissance

The trip to Barcelona was both relaxation and learning about another aspect of it, stuck somewhere in the timelessness between a very boring and painful Spanish childhood in the 70s and the beginning of the renaissance at the end of 23. Signs rained down from all sides, corners and cracks, and only a deep passage into my current childhood and recognition of myself as a real child allowed me to plunge into another childhood from another life - Spanish. Many things that were difficult to perceive by normal earthly consciousness have been discovered, let’s leave this out of the equation. The main incredible discovery was that the HEART WILL ALWAYS FIND ITS WAY HOME. Even if this means changing countries, languages, jobs and even professions. And the home of the heart is where they simply talk to it. And the more we find such a home for our heart, the fuller it becomes, because in every such conversation it literally swells with happiness that someone actually sees him and talks to him.

New Year is coming soon. In the meantime, I would like to wish each of you to find as many interlocutors as possible for your heart. Let it swell, but not from importance, but from joy and significance in the lives of other people 💜
