
And this is who I am from the position of individual, so to speak, consulting value to people. I can be turned in different directions, in the pathetic version of the “faces of a crystal.” Considering that I have been working in the IT industry since 2000 and it has driven me quite a lot. I worked as a Java full stack developer (programmer) with development experience together with a younger programmer of a complete solution for a neobank of the 2010s generation (with different fronts, an application for push-button phones, an admin panel). It could also accept different implementations for different clients. In general, I immediately foresaw what some neobanks (Monese certainly did) are now doing to amortize their R&D costs. This is me now boasting an example of how I usually see a strategy a couple of steps ahead and with age I finally have a whole collection of coincidences of my “predictions”. And I don’t even know which part of my brain is doing this, or whether they are simply already working in harmony for this analytical-intuitive symphony. In general, thanks to this, I realized that I needed to do consulting. Because the number of ideas rushing out of my head on every occasion and for no reason is simply off the charts, as long as it doesn’t short circuit my head with electricity.

So, for the sake of clarity of your understanding, I decided to divide the consultation into three main areas.

🦄 Personally metaphysical

When I come into emotional contact with a person and if this person has a favorable attitude towards me and asks me questions, answers begin to pour in. Moreover, there is no time left for thinking at all, I barely have time to pronounce them (people actually complain that I chatter too quickly, but otherwise the information simply does not fit in, the flow is too strong). In general, of course, you may not believe this, but that means you are simply not my target audience :).

🌈 Conceptual and technical

The development of drawing skills and the regular experience of creating completely crazy, unrealistic images based only on my own imagination greatly developed my neuroplasticity and it became extremely easy to go beyond the usual solutions. I know how many different blocking tasks there are in companies. Especially at the product and strategic level. I am happy to monetize my skill of non-standard thinking as applied to your complex tasks and even simple human situations.

💖 Creative and professional

Через всю жизнь я выстрадываю очень глубокий опыт про то, как находить свои по-настоящему любимые занятия, про то, как делать из этого заработок и про то, как отсекать из своей жизни все лишнее и притягивать все нужное. Очень буду рада с этим помочь и другим. И вот тут я предлагаю исключительно бартерную оплату. У тех, кому реально нужна моя помощь, нет особо денег на такую роскошь, как консультирование, но есть свои умения. Я с радостью найду этим умениям применение, либо сама, либо для кого-то другого. Так что, обращайтесь, кому нужна такого рода поддержка, буду рада помочь 💜

Together with our team we create stylish websites

I have a team of cool guys from Russia and Ukraine (we all work together very friendly). And we have already made several websites. People like it. We do them through WordPress. We can also help with filling it out and make a video tutorial on how to use it further.

In general, our websites are not inferior in style to fashionable, expensive websites from marketing agencies. So for startups we can also do very high-quality, and, very importantly, budget marketing (website and overall presentation and strategy).

Our works:

  1. https://sonasolutions.io/
  2. https://floouelixirs.com/
  3. https://helid.ee/
  4. https://lechat.nu - at work
  5. Well, actually this site itself :)

Where to begin?

Yes, just write to me on telegram @zeya888. We'll agree on everything :).

Zeya4Events plugin

I once launched and successfully failed a very cool startup, Eventify Life. Cool, because we really worked with all our hearts and did it from the heart, well, to the maximum from the standpoint of user convenience. We just forgot that the target audience is all on their phones... In general, that code has probably already died, although the creation was still needed. But I made a simple version. Plugin for displaying an event calendar with booking for organizers on their websites. Denis and Lilia have this on their events page: https://helid.ee/events/

✨ What is a WordPress plugin?

In general, when you have a website on WordPress (this is essentially a program installed for you personally, where you can create all the pages and any other data, which is then displayed on the site itself). And in order to be able to enter data about events on the site, plus or minus, like on Facebook, you need a so-called plugin. It's just a regular new tool in your arsenal. Well, like a knife in the kitchen. If you don't have a knife, you can't cut anything. You can, of course, pick it out with a spoon. And with a knife you can cut smoothly, conveniently, without unnecessary hemorrhoids. Same thing with the event plugin. Without unnecessary hassles, you can very beautifully and conveniently display all your events on such a WordPress site.

Price list

No free money

The services are interesting, but the money is not.
We can come to an agreement within reasonable limits.
0 for all
  • You tell me what you can do
  • I choose
  • You give it either to me or to a person from me

We are a startup

Every penny counts
XXX We mix optimal prices and barter
  • My team’s work needs to be paid, but their rates are several times lower than those of agencies that take the entire margin
  • I offer barter for my work
  • how barter works, see previous paragraph

Money is not the problem

If you have already filled your wallet with money, but the rest is still missing...
100 in an hour
  • We will discuss and write down all the conditions
  • Based on the results of the conversation, I will draw up any necessary documents based on the results of the analysis carried out during the conversation.
  • Any other reasonable whim for your money

Not scared yet
and there was some interest?

Contact us! 🌟
